Counties Served

  • Spokane
  • Parts of Stevens


The Inland Empire Utility Coordination Council, Inc. (IEUCC) started at the Inland NW Associated General Contractors office in the 1960’s. At the time a utility contractor wanted to coordinate the installation of a very large underground project with all involved utilities. The council started with a small group of utilities and contractors. It has grown to approximately 110 underground facility owners and 150 contractor members. The board is made up of both utility and contractor representatives. The members all work together on the three C’s of the Call Before You Dig message: Communication, Coordination and Cooperation.

The IEUCC became a not for profit corporation in 1990. Its major task is to fund the utility notification call center for this area through members’ annual dues and non member notification fees. The council also provides call before you dig information upon request. They meet monthly on the second Tuesday, at 11:30am at Conley's Restaurant.

Board Members

Carol Campbell
President, Davis Communications
[email protected]

Vice President (position pending)

Linda Burger
Treasurer, Avista
[email protected]

Kathy Boykin
Business Manager
[email protected]

Louis York
WUCC Area Director, Spokane County
[email protected]

Wayne Parks, Spokane Water Dist #3
Jay Meyers, Retired
Kevin Davis, Inland Paper Company
Scot Hattenburg, M&L Construction
Dean Earls, City of Spokane
Todd Harmon, Vera Water and Power


To file a ticket: 811 | 1-800-424-5555
Administrative: 1-877-668-4001

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